Here we take a first look at baseball cards to invest in for 2020. This is our spring edition for this series. Please view our visual charts to add color and deliver a deeper analysis of our market summaries.
Best Baseball Cards to Buy for 2020
Market Summary: After the dust settled with the Mookie Betts to Dodgers trade, Jeter Downs turned out to be the key Red Sox acquisition. And with Pedroia at the end of his career Downs will fit nicely as the Sox second baseman of the near future. Since the trade Downs cards have started to heat up. Reviewing the BTC chart we notice Jeter Downs Autograph cards “Average Price Per Card” and “Total Cards Sold” spiked up late January into February 2020. Downs has been a highly touted prospect since being drafted by LA. A solid buy for 2020.
Market Summary: Dylan Carlson cards have been a sought-after commodity over the past couple of months. His favorable combination of power and speed provide him the tools to be a prospective cardboard star. And playing in a big baseball market like St. Louis only reinforces this. It’s yet to be seen if he will have “starter “playing time when the 2020 MLB season starts. Carlson’s cards are a good longer-term buy. And this will be accelerated when he does indeed obtain a regular playing opportunity and starts to fill box scores.
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Market Summary: Clarke Schmidt has been close to dominant this spring training for the Yankees. Yankee player cardboard always performs well with collectors and the market is illustrating this. The BTC charts show a solid 30-day ascent starting mid-January 2020 that saw Schmidts’ autograph cards “Average Price Per Card” move from $55 to $225 and “Total Cards Sold” from 20 card items to 70 for the same period. And with Severino and Paxton ailing the opportunity might be ripe for Schmidt to win a starting pitcher job. Schmidt cards qualify as a solid BTC buy opportunity.
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Market Summary: Myles Straw represents a BTC sleeper to follow. Fast out of the gates with 3 home runs, prior to the 2020 MLB spring training season being suspended, he’s more known for his speed. Myles stole 70 bases in the minors 2018. Reviewing the visual charts, it’s noted the number of Straw autograph card items sold vastly increased from 22 to 57 early January 2020 into March. However, his autograph cards “Average Price Per Item” sold stayed fairly flat. Straw’s card demand is rising and if that continues Straw’s card values will trend up with it.
View the market chart or our free price lookup web app for more details and insights.